maandag 10 maart 2014

windows 8.1 update 1 review part 1

finally windows 8.1 update 1 has leaked, it was available in the windows store a few days ago. now it's still available through P2P networks for download.
if you're going to update it you must be carefull with the order of the 5 updates your pc will be painfully slow during the process and get stuck several times.
now get to the new system:
at the first boot not much has changed on the start screen unless you've got a keyboard.
  this feature is both for touch and keyboard pc's

this feature's only for keyboard powered devices
Now it's possible to see openen apps in the desktop taskbar:
with the new settings, you have the possibilities to completely avoid the new start menu and hotcorners.
end of part 1


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